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How To Help


A Fundação Beneficente Lucas Araújo is an institution that serves children, adolescents and elderly people in situations of vulnerability or social risk. To maintain this service, the physical structure and the functional framework, the Foundation uses its own resources from rentals, public resources and donations.

Your collaboration is very important so that the Foundation can continue this work of solidarity, which has been transforming lives in Passo Fundo for more than a century. You can collaborate in different ways, such as:

-Donating money: You can make a cash deposit to the bank accounts below. You can choose the amount and frequency of your donation, and you can also have tax benefits, as the Foundation is a philanthropic entity and has the Social Assistance Charitable Entity Certificate (CEBAS).


Caixa Econômica Federal

Agência 0494 - Operação 003

Conta Corrente 1653-7



Banco 756 - Agência 3036

Conta Corrente 41.875-7

-Being a volunteer: you can offer your time, your talent and your affection to the children and elderly people served by the Foundation, participating in volunteer activities at the service units, such as workshops, recreation, visits, etc. Sign up as a volunteer directly at our headquarters at Av. Presidente Vargas, 317, Passo Fundo, Brazil.

-Donating materials and food: you can donate materials and food that are essential for the operation of the service units, such as clothes, shoes, hygiene products, cleaning products, diapers, milk, etc. You can deliver your donations to the Foundation's headquarters.

-Living in Foundation properties: Most of the resources that help maintain the Foundation's social work come from the rentals of properties built from Lucas José Araújo's donation. So, the people who live in these properties indirectly help the Foundation.

A Fundação Beneficente Lucas Araújo Thank you for your collaboration, which makes a difference in the lives of many people. Together, we can transform realities and build a better world. Collaborate with the Foundation and be part of this solidarity network.

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